Electric Motor Fundamentals and Operations

This course is designed to provide learners with a comprehensive understanding of electric motor fundamentals and their operations in BEVs. Learners will gain knowledge of electrical principles, including current, resistance, voltage, and power, and apply these concepts to analyze electrical circuits using Ohm’s Law and Watt’s Law. The course will explore the 12-volt system, direct current (DC), alternating current (AC), and high voltage (HV) systems in the context of BEVs, comparing their characteristics, components, and functions. Learners will examine the working principles, types, and performance characteristics of electric motors, and evaluate their impact on vehicle design, weight, and environmental benefits.

The course will also cover motor selection and sizing considerations, control strategies, and basic maintenance and troubleshooting procedures. By the end of the course, learners will have acquired the skills to analyze, apply, and evaluate electric motor technologies in BEVs, contributing to the development and optimization of electric vehicle systems.

In this module, you will gain an understanding of the significance of electrical fundamentals and insights into how these principles support the design, performance, servicing, and maintenance of battery-electric vehicles. You will develop an understanding of electrical fundamentals and basic electrical terminology. You will discover the significance of current in controlling the flow of electricity within electrical systems. This module also explores how resistance influences the behavior and efficiency of electrical circuits. You will uncover voltage’s essential role in driving electrical current and powering devices. Additionally, you will gain insights into the concept of power and its impact on the capabilities and functionality of battery-electric vehicles. 


  1. Importance of Electrical Fundamentals in Motors 
  2. Current (Amperes) 
  3. Resistance (Ohms) 
  4. Voltage 
  5. Power (Watts) 

In this module, you will explore the fundamental electrical concepts and their applications in battery electric vehicles. The module begins by introducing Ohm’s Law and Watt’s Law, which form the basis for understanding electrical circuits. You will learn to calculate unknown values in a circuit using these laws and appreciate their importance in the context of electric vehicles. Next, you will delve into the practical application of electrical laws, learning about the essential components and types of loads in a circuit. You will also illustrate a complete circuit, reinforcing your understanding of the underlying principles. The module then focuses on the 12-volt system, tracing its historical development and current state in automotive electrical systems. You will identify the primary purpose, components, and unique characteristics of the 12-volt system in BEVs, with a specific focus on the role and functionality of the DC-DC converter. You will compare and contrast 12-volt systems in internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles and BEVs, analyze the challenges faced by these systems, and explore advancements in low-voltage technology. Moving on to direct current (DC), you will define its characteristics and role in EVs, comparing its use in early and modern EVs. You will explain the function and importance of battery technology in storing and providing DC power, understand the different levels of EV charging, and describe the use of power electronics in managing DC power within EV systems. You will also assess the impact of recent advancements in DC technology on EV design and performance. The module then introduces alternating current (AC), distinguishing it from DC and explaining the setup and function of AC charging infrastructure for BEVs. You will illustrate BEV’s interaction with the AC power grid, discuss the principles and benefits of regenerative braking systems that generate AC, and analyze the potential of AC technologies for EVs.

Finally, you will explore HV systems in the context of EVs, comparing them with 12V systems and identifying HV components and their functions. You will learn about the advantages of HV systems, recognize safety protocols and standards, and discuss future trends in HV technology. Throughout the module, you will apply your knowledge to practical scenarios, enhancing your understanding of electrical applications in BEVs. 


  1. Laws of Electricity (Ohm’s and Watt’s) 
  2. Application of the Electrical Laws 
  3. 12V System 
  4. Direct Current (DC) 
  5. Alternating Current (AC) 
  6. High-Voltage Systems 

In this module, you will explore the critical role of electric motors in BEVs. You will start by differentiating between engines and motors, identifying the various applications of motors in BEVs, and evaluating the impact of electric motors on vehicle design, weight, and environmental benefits. Next, you will delve into the basic working principles and components of electric motors, learning how they convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, and examining the flow of energy from the battery to the motor. You will also discover the process of regenerative braking. Furthermore, you will identify and compare different types of electric motors used in BEVs, assessing their efficiency, cost, complexity, and typical applications. You will analyze the reasons behind the preference for certain motor types in specific BEV applications and gain insights into the performance characteristics and cooling systems of electric motors in BEVs. By the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the significance and inner workings of electric motors in the context of Battery Electric Vehicles.


  1. The Role of Motors in BEVs 
  2. Basic Working Principles & Components of Electric Motors  
  3. Types of Electric Motors in BEVs 

In this module, you will explore the critical role of electric motors in BEVs. You will examine the functions motors perform beyond propulsion, analyze the advantages of using electric motors in vehicles, and investigate the rationale behind the automotive industry’s shift towards electric motor-driven systems. You will also learn how motors convert electrical energy into mechanical energy, discover the mechanisms of torque and speed control, and appreciate the principles and benefits of regenerative braking. Finally, you will gain insights into motor selection and sizing considerations, compare various motor control strategies, and acquire knowledge of basic maintenance and troubleshooting procedures for electric motors in BEVs. By the end of this module, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the operation, application, and management of motors in BEVs, equipping you with the skills to contribute to the development and optimization of electric vehicle technologies. 


  1. Function & Reasons for Using Motors in BEVs 
  2. Operation of a Motor within a BEV – Energy Conversion, Torque & Speed Control, Regenerative Braking 
  3. Associating Procedures – Motor Selection & Sizing, Motor Control Strategies, Maintenance & Troubleshooting 

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