Introduction to EV

The Introduction to Electric Vehicles (EV) course will equip you with the fundamentals of EVs. We begin with a broad overview of the automotive industry, diving into its history and current trends. You will then learn the key differences between EVs and traditional gasoline vehicles. Next, we will explore the various types of EVs, including hybrids, plug-in hybrids, battery-electric vehicles, and fuel-cell vehicles, highlighting the key features of each. We then delve into EV terminology with key terms related to electricity, batteries, and charging systems. Next, the course focuses on the core components of EVs, and we will explore the essential components that make EVs function.

We will uncover the unique features of battery-electric vehicles, and you will learn about the key features that differentiate them from gasoline-powered vehicles. Finally, the course wraps up with a comprehensive overview of EV batteries, including the technology behind them and the various types of EV batteries.

In this module, you will explore the growing importance of EVs in the automotive service industry and gain a comprehensive understanding of the opportunities emerging in this evolving sector. You will discover how EVs are reshaping the automotive industry. Simultaneously, given a historical context, you will gain a deeper appreciation for the technological advancements and societal factors that propelled the rise of EVs. This module will equip you with an understanding of the rising importance and historical evolution of EVs. 


  1. The Growing Importance of EVs in the Automotive Service Industry 
  2. The History & Evolution of EVs 
This module will acquaint you with the different types of vehicles present in the automotive industry. We will delve into each vehicle category: conventional, hybrid, plug-in hybrid, battery-electric, and fuel-cell vehicles. You will learn the characteristics and distinct differences between each vehicle type, including their advantages and limitations. You will acquire a foundational understanding of the different types of EVs and a comprehension of distinct vehicle features. 


  1. Types of Vehicles 
  2. Comparison of EVs 
This module will equip you with the foundational terms of EV terminology. We will concentrate on three sections, each focusing on a distinct aspect of EV terminology. We will delve into the fundamental concepts of electricity terminology and explain key terms related to EVs, including voltage, current, resistance, power, and more. As batteries are the heart of an EV, we will introduce you to the essential terminology associated with EV batteries. You will learn about battery packs, battery management systems, state of charge, and more, enabling you to understand the basics of battery technology. As EVs rely on various charging methods and standards, it is crucial to grasp the terminology related to charging infrastructure. We will cover charging levels, connectors, and the different charging options available. 


  1. Electricity Key Terminology 
  2. Battery Key Terminology 
  3. Charging Key Terminology 
This module will acquaint you with the main parts of an EV and the unique features that set it apart from other types of vehicles. We will delve into the fundamental building blocks that comprise the various parts of an EV and how they work together. Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs) have unique features that set them apart from internal combustion engine (ICE) vehicles. We will explore the distinctive characteristics, including regenerative braking and instant start and acceleration. 


  1. Main Components of an EV 
  2. Unique Features of EVs 

It is important to understand battery technologies well, as batteries are the heart of EVs. They are responsible for storing the electrical energy that powers the vehicle. In this module, we will provide an overview of the different battery technologies used in EVs. We will explore how lead-acid batteries were used in earlier EVs, but they had their limitations. Further, we will delve into how nickel-metal hydride batteries came into play as technology evolved. Finally, we will discuss the adoption of lithium-ion batteries and the future of other emerging battery technologies that are paving the way for improved safety, faster charging, and longer lifespan. 


  1. Overview of EV Batteries 

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