Electric Vehicle Software

The course on electric vehicle software is designed to equip learners with a comprehensive understanding of the key technologies and systems enabling automotive vehicle connectivity, autonomous driving, and advanced driver assistance. Learners will analyze Wi-Fi, cellular networks, GNSS, Bluetooth, and telematics in the context of connected vehicles, evaluating their applications, benefits, limitations, and future developments.

The course will guide learners in examining autonomous drive systems, including V2X communication, levels of driving automation, sensor fusion, and the challenges and opportunities in this field. Additionally, learners will explore ADAS technologies such as collision avoidance, lane keep, and cruise control systems, assessing their working principles, components, impact on vehicle safety, and potential improvements. By the end of the course, learners will be able to critically evaluate and propose advancements in EV software technologies, positioning them for success in this rapidly evolving industry.

This module will introduce learners to the key technologies enabling automotive vehicle connectivity. Learners will analyze Wi-Fi technology and its applications in vehicles, examining the benefits, types, and future of in-vehicle Wi-Fi systems. The module will also trace the evolution of cellular network generations from 1G to 5G, exploring their capabilities, technologies, and use cases in connected car services. Learners will investigate the principles and applications of global navigation satellite systems (GNSS) in vehicles, assessing their role in autonomous vehicle navigation, limitations, and future improvements. The module will guide learners in evaluating Bluetooth standards, profiles, and versions used in vehicles, along with their applications, use cases, networking capabilities, security considerations, and future roadmap. Finally, learners will study telematics and its key components, devices, connectivity, back-end infrastructure, services, privacy and security concerns, trends, and career opportunities in the field.


  1. In-Vehicle Wi-Fi  
  2. Evolution of the Cellular Network 
  3. Global Navigation 
  4. Bluetooth 
  5. Telematics 

In this module, you will explore the cutting-edge world of autonomous drive systems. You’ll begin by examining Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication, including its key components, connectivity approaches, applications, benefits, and implementation challenges. Next, you’ll dive into autonomous vehicles, learning about the various levels of driving automation, enabling technologies, obstacles to widespread adoption, and the current state and future trajectory of this transformative technology. Finally, you’ll investigate sensor fusion, a critical aspect of autonomous driving. You’ll discover the types of sensors used, their complementary strengths, essential concepts like data association and calibration, centralized and decentralized architectures, fusion algorithms, and the challenges and applications of this powerful technique. By the end of this module, you’ll have a solid foundation in the technologies propelling the autonomous driving revolution forward. 


  1. (V2V) Vehicle to Vehicle and (V2I) Vehicle to Infrastructure = (V2X) Vehicle to Everything 
  2. Autonomous 
  3. Sensor Fusion 

In this module, learners will explore Advanced Driver Assist Systems (ADAS) and their role in enhancing vehicle safety and driver experience by examining the principles, components, and applications of collision avoidance, lane keep, and cruise control systems. The collision avoidance lesson will enable learners to describe key concepts, identify common sensors, discuss active safety applications, analyze challenges in developing robust systems, and predict future trends. In the lane keep system lesson, learners will explain the concept, working principles, and types of lane keep systems, as well as evaluate their benefits, limitations, and role in ADAS. The cruise control lesson will cover the basic concept, working principles, components, and types of cruise control systems, and learners will appraise their advantages and limitations. By the end of this module, learners will be able to critically analyze ADAS technologies, evaluate their impact on vehicle safety, and propose potential improvements and future developments in the field.


  1. Collision Avoidance 
  2. Lane Keep 
  3. Cruise Control 

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